Friday, April 30, 2010

whoo oh oh oh ooooooo....

OK, so the Lady GaGa song Bad Romance has been criminally stuck in my rotting brain all freakin day thanks to this little gem that was shared with me by my new boss Monica. You can thank her for the passing of infectious catchy songs that plague your subconscious all day!

Check this video out though, even if you hate the tune, you can dig the performance (video is a little loud with crowd participation at first...) Scan down just a bit and play the video - AMAZING!!!

CLICK HERE! OR HERE! Either way you win! Its the University of Oregon's A Capella group On The Rocks doing a little cover work - amazing!

But most of all the tune made me miss my two favorite little Scrippy Brats Carson and Aubrey. For those of you just tuning in, they are the offspring of my friend and confidant Tammy Rice. Tammy has been a good friend (and an even more amazing Mom) since way back in high school when I was head over keester for her friend Margie Lewis. We reconnected this fall after a long hiatus and she was kind enough to take me with her and the kids on some fun little weekend jaunts, getting yelled at by Sea World staff for ringing a giant gong (hey? Who wouldn't!?), chasing a toddler around Scripps Aquarium, and getting a nice sunburn at several at Aubrey's water polo matches to name a few. But it seemed that everywhere we went there was that tune, Lady GaGa's Bad Romance blaring from car stereos, and TV programs, the song was inescapable. And as much as it annoys, it became such a good inside joke for the 4 of us that I still got a little chill today when Monica shared the version you just watched. So this post is for the Rice Bowl Kids!

Miss you guys, and truthfully, I have not had more fun with a couple of knucklehead kids as I did with you guys this fall and winter! I miss a lot of things about the US; burritos, being able to understand what the hell people are saying to me, my friends, But I especially miss those fun filled, easy going, junk food filled weekends hanging out with the Rice Family, goofing, laughing, singing crappy pop music, school projects...all of it! You guys really showed me alot of love when I needed it very much and I wont soon forget that. It means the world to me.

I cant wait to share some of these adventures, pictures, and crappy POP songs from Italy with you two when I get back to the states. I think about you often, most every day, and hope that one day I can share this experience with you, share the adventure and oddities of traveling to a new place with you, to encourage you to go someplace totally different, and to hear some GaGa on the radio loud and clear. Till then I wear my tee shirts with pride!!

Miss you both,
Love you much!

Stay Golden!
and do something wicked nice for Tam on Mom's Day (May 9th this year!)

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