James was cranky today. He said its my fault. I dont believe it. He wont tell me what I did so Im going to blow the whole thing off to the fact that we tried starting with tea instead of coffee this am. Not a boun idea. Even if I did have extra cookies and talk in a brittish accent all day. James also found out today that the bike he styled out to be his own this season is actually not coming out of inventory. That was a bummer to us both cause there are few bigger beaters around. We do have access to titanium bikes when they are here so we devised a plan to custom fit an extra seatpost and comfy seat so we can throw pedals on and rally when we want to get a good road ride in. Which will be in the vineyard countryside of Tuscany this weekend. We are delivering a shitload of bikes to several different locations throughout the region (and Tuscany is a huge region) and got a taste of our first real load-in for bigger deliveries. We picked up the rental van we will have all summer, installed the racks from last year, and loaded almost a full 14 bikes on the roof, spare parts box, tool box, seats and pedals, repair stands, extra parts and helmets in the back. We had our debriefing (although I wasnt wearing any to begin with) and Igor gave us the lowdown on how to use the GPS, to read the dosiers that come with every rental and how to prep the van, and spares. Its a big process but will come as second nature by the end of next month Im sure. And its no load-in for a 600 keg beer guzzling hippy jam band show either. Its a walk in the park and ends with BIKE RIDES!
My favorite!
count em...14! / front 7 rear.

more fun after the rain.

And now its time for the customary 5pm bike shop beer. And a little
weekend contest for all you busy people who will be catching up on all your blog reading over the weekend. If you can name the 80s TV show that the main character in
this comercial was a part of...Ill buy you a Lowenbrau. (Sorry Professor, couldnt find the Lenny version, but I thought this would do.)

"Sooooo toniiiiiiiight, toniiiight let it be Lowenbrau!"
Buono fine settimana!
Felice Pasqua!
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...bike humper!
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