After yesterday's bike delivery up and over the Alpines and into Cortona, which brought me back to La Fattoria around 9pm I was excited to get to bed early, wake up refreshed, have a good bite, and go out on a ride. When Igor called to confirm a mountain bike ride in the hills nearby I said "Why yessirree I would like that very much!" He scooped me up around noon (you know how mountain bike rides start a little later...) and we headed to one of the nearby national parcos. I was relieved and feeling pretty good that Igor, an Emilia Romagna native got totally lost on the way with map in hand, makes me feel better about my own lack of directional ability. I think its just the Italian navigational mindset, sort of given up to the fact that because of the ancient road patterns across the state you are just going to have to deal.
Ill let the photos do the rest of the story telling...

And after yesterday's drive it was much needed. You tell me which way I should go to get around Arezzo, and you should know that EVERY red line on this map has the same freeway number, and several traffic circles. Winner gets a prize!

How many rides do you know of start in a city built in the MIDDLE AGES on the banks of a river!?!?

Laundry day always makes me smile, especially as we get the map out at another intersection...

little road approach and then at the National Park it turns to dirt.

Stopped to check out this park with a hut you can stay in cheap and this killer green lake!

Climbed some more...ALOT more! 20 minutes or so after the park with the lake we are near the top of our 700 meter climb with a view of the park we were just in (its the green patch below). If that don't make your burning legs feel like a single-speed tough guy I don't know what will!

One last steep-ass pitch and I see a good chance to let my heart rate drop to a non-lethal level and represent a little 415. This is for my single speed hommies back in the City by the Gay. Then a killer double track descent whizzing down the mountain. Never have I had so much fun on such a wide trail. I am reassured that this is a beginner ride and the single track is unbelievable.

Back to the road, took a pic of the stream, closed the loop on the ride and back to the town to seek out a beer. Today was a national holiday, an independence day of sorts, 25 Aprile is when the nazzis got the big jack boot out of Italy. Ironically we parked in a park that commemorates the day, and the shops were closed. Tons of cute olde timers out this gypsy woman wearing a sweater I think i have back in my storage unit somewhere. And another cool bike parked by the river all alone.

Its ok, you can always come and visit....
thanks...i will be sure to do that.
I think you getting to stay on is GREAT and I have already started putting $ aside to come visit, just don't expect me to peddle a single speed up hill!
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