Where to start indeed....Tammy Elaine Nugent, my dearest lady-friend in the whole world, and the mother of two really amazingly funny kids just left on a jet-plane back to the states. I'm pretty sure she had a good time...she laughed, she cried, and she spit in my face a little when doing both simultaneously. Which of course means I had a great time. It was a two week trip packed with day trips, train rides, beaches, mountains, monuments, statues, parks, and probably close to a hundred spritz-is-iss... I cant begin to explain what this trip meant to me, and what I know it meant to Tammy, especially as her first trip out of the country or even on a plane for more than an hour! It was a huge step for her and on top of having an amazing visit, I'm super proud of her for making the trip! Ill try to let the pictures do the talking, cause they say a lot... we took over a THOUSAND in two weeks. Here are some of the highlights
Faenza by bike ladies and gentlemen!....

at this point Tammy said, "I just realized I'm in ITALY!" her only sign of Jet Lag.

so we did what you do when in Italy...drank our first SPRITZ!

Firenze (Florence) by train...


Cortona...in the rain...

and again for dinner another day, hold the rain...

Castiglione Del Lago Trasimeno.......


San Quirico...



Vinci (home of Leonardo DiVinci)...

and the drive back to the Farm...

Sunday BBQ alone at the Farm...

Mezzano for Dinner with Igor, Federica and Family...

Ravenna its mosaic churches and the Seaside....

A Birthday Party and Concert at the

Thats the Birthday Girl...WOOT!!!

Venezia (Venice) a surprise last minute throw down....


Then back to the Milan Airport for sad goodbyes and a train ride home alone to reflect...

An amazing trip, an amazing visit, with one amazing woman.
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