Did a couple Monday Radio Shows Live (see facebook for the podcasts)...

with Ale on bass during the blah blah blah...

DJ Livia on the mixer and organizing the amazing opportunity...

Me and Franny 2 Hands, aka: Franny Blacksmiths, aka: Dick Volpaccino on the mics

Fund Raising to Keep Art DIRTY!...

Did some Karaoke. KISS to be exact, it was horrible!...

Worked on some bikes....

Posed for some photos to help the tour leaders learn to love the new hybrids...just another 2 weeks at the office I suppose.

And Tattooed some wheels with their new warranty serial numbers...

Until tomorrow when starts my lovely 2 week vacation with my Dearest Friend Tammy Elaine Nugent...

...seen here ingesting the kind of food I would never eat in a manner I found both hilarious and slightly repulsive - but its kinda why I love her to pieces.
This is her very first trip out side of the USA and I can not WAIT to see the look on her face. I remember my first trip out, Amy and I went to Paris just to wander a couple days and then train down to Spain, my first trip to Barcelona, a city I have since been enamored with. I remember the running joke of our winter sojourn in the streets of Paris was that I was too busy gape-ing up at all the old buildings and the trimmed back winter trees, feeling trapped in a black and white movie to notice the inevitable thousands of piles of Parisian dog shit that I walked in EVERYWHERE we went. I seriously had to leave the boots out the window of that first hotel after the third day. There was even a map I drew, a dotted line broken only by various piles of steamy poo (not to scale).
But I digress...Tammy will be doing at least one guest blog post while she is here, if there is time, so watch out for that fresh and unique perspective that only someone named her can provide.
Till then I have lists to double check for the third and fourth THOUSANDTH times to make sure I have everything planned out and perfect.
good talk good talk...
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