Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hey JE-RE-MYYYY.....(dont read it, SING it!)

if you sing along but insert the name Jeremy, this little Bad Ass will buy you a beer...

That's Jeremy. This is also Jeremy...

and I haven't seen either one in a long while. Good Times. The later is my best buddy from high school and he joined us out for a wild night of not making it to the festival of animation and drinking really tall beers, all the while telling tales of lighting farts on fire, road trips and the dumb shit we got up to in school.


The other Jeremy is the soul-mate-life-partner of one Jonny Pacific, tattoo artist, music encyclopedia, bike jerk, and all around solid funny dude. Jonny and I ran in overlapping circles for a long time and this was my first real visit with him. Turns out we overlapped for years, in San Diego music circles, bike circles, and circle jerks. I took the train up to LA to see him and his missus, spend some quality time with Jeremy, and participate in the anarchy of a trade economy, me tuning bikes in the kitchen, him tattooing in the living room. Blood was let, beers were spilled, and animal dander was shed...a great way to spend a couple days.

the beautiful Union Station in LA

Jonny makes one hell of a loaf...

you know its done when you can pinch it...

and Jeremy does one hell of a sharpei impersonation...

and if Zero the Cat would just tune down the bitchiness just a tad she would have made the blog more often...

Jonny wanted to use me as a guinea pig for a red he mixed we decided was called Robin Masters

and a machine he bought in Mexico that was completely apropos

inner thigh piece...

Imagine this pic with a big black box...the jokes and laughs were endless...kinda why I have saved these ideas for Jonny to do.

And it WAS valentines day afterall...hence the heart...and the fact that nothing says I love you like a little tea-bagging...

more beers, a little whiskey, loads of laughs and some touch up work on the 5 Jonny did for me back in early '09 and on to the forearm piece...

more than a bit sauced at this point, the missus, Michelle was insistent on cutting the dead shit out of my hair, shes a wicked good stylist who has been known to give free haircuts to passed out idiots...I seriously nodded off like 4 times.

down for the count, up at 11 to tune some bikes and work my way to the train station...back in SD for a little ride home and crashed out!

It was a GREAT visit! For those of you who have been thinking of getting some tattoo work done, save up those ideas, save up a few quid and let me know. We talked a lot about a working vacation to Italy too, where my third drawing will make it to skin,

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