Late 80's comedy, Rodney Dangerfield, 91x house-band Oingo Boingo and the Triple Lindy Dive, Back to School will ease anyone's tensions about the return to Higher Learning...
My condolences. We have all been there and the price you pay for your freedom now means you can choose more later on in life. These pompous words of fake wisdom will make sense later, like after spring break when you can come and get rad with me in Italy, in castles, and world heritage sites, and beaches where the experience of a few days will surpass the education you get from a years worth of classroom blah blah blah...
Ok, so last weekend I had a little pick up to do in Bolzano and decided to get up at the ass crack of dawn to get there early enough to go for a ride before meeting the clients. I found a bike path and proceeded to ride, an awesome day despite the rain and humidity and hunger and bonk and free apples...well you get the idea. I like bikes and stayed on mine as long as I could...

Amazing drinking water...

and the fish that call it home...

RADroute indeed!....

the drive home got nasty but was still amazing...

Ah The Germana influence...seen in the steeper bell towers, the more delicious apples, the more regimented bike paths, and the weirder people, seriously I saw like 4 Mullets in One RIDE!!! All in all it was a great way to spend a day away from the farm. Rob and I both agreed that as much as we love going to Bolzano (and even just saying BALZ-ano) we agreed that it was because it really truly feels that after a simple 3 hour drive from the farm you are in a very different place. Still in Italy but worlds away from the life we know here in Emilia Romagna. Its good to keep that perspective in the waning months of summer too.
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