My overactive brain has been riddled with thought lately, from life on the farm and the communication breakdowns we are suffering, to life as I want it to be in some far off future, and the inevitable middle ground where it all leaves me feeling stuck and trapped and generally backed up into a corner...a place I am in no spirits to navigate. I have felt bored of the same old rides, tired of living in Italy, and ready to call this season over and get back to the culture that appreciates my humor, my work ethic, and the friends who would never question the quality of my character. In the meantime I have found a small fraction of joy in the ride. I built Loni with the intent that no road or hill or path or ride would intimidate us into a static no-show way of life, and lately I have been a pussy when it comes to getting out. But as of this week I have again found my solace in the spinning wheels, dusty dirt roads, and shit talking goodness of the group ride, as well as the spirit of adventure in a solo exploration by bike.

discoveries like this means I need a new play bike...

I gotta thank
Robbie for turning me onto the local Dirt Crew in Faenza. Without a mountain bike I have avoided the scene, but this week I have a new love for what the group ride can do for a biker's soul, even with language and cultural barriers, there is nothing like the communal giggle of a shared hill either up or down, and no amount of communication can surpass a shared experience.

And La Una too...for the offer to meet at the an international food faire at the beach by bike...a beach that was 100K plus round trip at the end of the day. A much needed nap in the sand, a swim in perfect temp waters alone, and an "international" beer or two was just what the kid needed.

does NOT actually take a genius to find
and a great big devil horns to this tiny hamlet...

There's community here if I stop and chill the fuck out and realize it. Its healthy and active and funny too. Don't let me bitch about not having what I need. For the first time I think I only have what I need. Its the things I
want that feel so far away, but that's a simple choice away now isn't it?