went for a birthday bike ride (her birthday mind you) After quite a bit of rain

through the fog of the country side...

to a cool pass nearby where on the way down a little competitive nature and mal-adjusted brakes put her in the ditch. No one was injured, laughs were had...

Thursday was a national holiday so Rob and I drove to the beach (his second trip to a seaside EVER!!!)

Checked out boats

and hoes

then got a whirlwind tour of Ravenna with our new Italian Teacher Maestro Enrico

galleries in old churches...

vending machines selling dirty videos and magazines...

The OTHER crooked tower in Italy

Dante's Tomb

where I spied some cool line art graffiti...

then to an old church covered in mosaics

then met up with the boss for a really BIG beer...(actual size shown) and an amazing pizza.

Then Saturday despite massive shoulder and neck pain, I rode to the beach at Cervia by bike, a trip that was supposed to be relaxing to ease my shoulder pain away...

It was windy as all get up, pretty damn far, and all I could think about was wishing I had a tennis ball back at the Farm to roll on to work out the pain from an old injury...then in the middle of the busy highway what do I spy...CHARMED FOR SURE!

Got back to the Farm and ate, met with friends in town. Went for a cool late night full moon walk,

grabbed a bite with these two amazing kids...

while these two watched on...

and saw a bit of show before retiring. Can you see the large kitchen dagger in the bottom of the guitar?

Sunday rode to a town called Forlimpopoli where I could find these two friends (Serena and Jonny) selling their amazing handmade jewelry at a market in the square...

as well as everything I have EVER wanted to find at a flea market...old bikes

vintage race motorcycles...

and Smurfs!

On the way home spied a very large velodrome - for those of you who think cycling is getting popular in the states, consider the enormous size of this track, around the outer edge of an Olympic sized soccer field, constructed in a city park in the 60's - its massive and steep!

got stuck in a parade and covered in confetti for carnival in Forli...

where i ran into Bea from work (small world indeed) and the van that all my stupid little black books will probably become when I lose my mind for good...

before returning home with a smile on my face once again for bikes, and sunshine, friends, and festivals...
and Smurfs.
Have a smurfy day
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