TUESDAY Feb 15th
So the weather had called for shitty skies, cold air and big chances of rain, like in the 40% range and up. Now I'm no gamblin' man. but that sounded like less than half a chance to me and when it comes to biblical epic downpours, well less than half a chance just isn't that threatening now is it?
I headed down the hill once again to the Ohlone Greenway, through Berkeley to Rockridge Bart, through the Tunnel to the far east bay, hopped off at Lafayette and rode the trails to Walnut Creek and down to San Ramon and Danville.

From Danville I could see a glimmer of clear skies and Mount Diablo.

After a coffee and banana bread from my fav bakery I decided to give er a go. Headed up the road to the quiet midweek sights of an affluent suburb with thick bike lanes and majestic oaks.

through the foothills full of early spring blooms thanks to the rain the day before.

This link gives you a good idea of the distance and terrain...

with ominous skies most of the way and a rain jacket rolled up tight on the back.

with only these guys to talk to the whole way...
That's China Ridge in the background, an ancient rock outcropping along the length of the park that makes the place feel a little like the hills I saw in Northern Wales so many years ago.

Ominous with a hope of Blue ahead...
I stumbled upon a familiar single track trail. I used to live nearby where this trail sent me back to the road, but I never really rode here. I thought a lot about the changes I have been through since those days, about how adventurous life has become and all that I had to give up to get here, and as I took the first couple turns through a tight ravine, the sun burst into my eyes through the stands of broken oaks. A spectacular feeling of the road ahead...(double click these photos to see the detail, and the singletrack in the background.)

With a reminder of how I got there, and the twist of the trails that led me there.

one last big tight twisty rocky climb and I was feeling strong and full.

Made it up this with another gear to spare by the way...

to spectacular views and the STEEPEST trail Loni and I have seen together! Double click this for sure...its an amazing view of a foreboding trail descent!

Yes, that's a sheer cliff on the left and whipping winds coming up the right side. They don't call it Shell Ridge for nothing. Back in Walnut Creek I stopped at Rivendell Bicycle Works - makers of old tyme radness and producers of excellent rants. check em out. Good enough for the Professor - Good enough for YOU!

Grabbed a BART train back to Rockridge and rode the trails again back through the greenway and up Aaron's Impossibly STEEP hill feeling pretty strong.
WEDNESDAY the 16th
Not wanting to deal with the soreness of taking the day off the bike I decided there was enough sun to head into the city. Again the hill and the greenway to BART and out through the park to the beach.

Where I was treated with clear skies and a nasty headwind that hustled me back quicker than it let me arrive.

local SF natives know this as Windmills...a place that after nightfall has a dubious and nefarious reputation among Sailors. "Its not a -JOB its a -JOY!" During the day though you can see they limit the amount of radness you are allowed to have. If anyone can tell me what the third from the bottom picture is referring to Ill give you a prize.

saw this on a building on the way back to Bart, Ive actually been to TRIESTE!

Back on BART and due to the congestion of the commute hours I was chased off the train as soon as we crossed the bay - which turned out to be a much longer ride through West Oakland, but a treat with an amazing sunset through only a few sprinkles of drizzle.

ok so maybe that's through the amber lens of my glasses, but its the way I saw it. Back up the hill cursing the whole way! Seriously Im not sure that riding everyday up and down that hill would make you stronger or just increasingly angry through the week. Its STEEP and unrelenting. I know Im stronger for it, but the problem is when I get in the door I feel like rewarding myself...

For Olde Tymes Sake with Taint Boy!
Escaping another day of rain in the forecast just in time. As we drink another toast the wind picks up outside and starts hammering HAIL!

"Remember, weather can change drastically and suddenly in the High Country - always be prepared."
the rest of the pics are on FaceBook
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