Monday, October 11, 2010


So I just ate the first little meal that did NOT make my stomach rumble , my guts turn round, and my butt hole lips quiver with anticipatory anger. And for those of you who know me as the "Day-Olde-Dairy-KING!" you know how much it sucks to be sick. I just rolled over and over in bed thinking this was the culmination of too many day old lattes, found half eaten beef sticks, and dairy products clearly left in the "danger zone" of refrigeration levels. I got some kind of gut bug when I returned to Italy and managed to squander a weekend lying in bed, thinking about all the stuff I get to do when I get back to the states, and all the times I have had here this summer. I managed to read through a couple of my little black books, from the one on the plane till like the middle of august and I was really shocked about how up and down the whole first few months was. There are days when I am absolutely head over heels in love with this place, and other days when I want to run. It was good to be able to formulate a clear picture of reality with those little books - although it does make a solid argument for the whole "Scott, you change you mind a lot!" camp. I'm definitely a man with options.

The rest of the week has been devoted to resting, making friends with Orange cat (They call him Arco) and catching up on some late 80's early 90's VHS!! Yup, there has been a TV here the whole time it just didn't seem right to watch it. But being sick has always meant a specific need for movies with car chases, spies, half naked college chicks, and explosions! In a previous life, the sick time VHS of choice was Point Break - for obvious reasons!

Well this being a house full of educated world travelers, the number of car chase movies is pretty slim, as in NONE, but I did find a couple gems I have always wanted to see and never had the chance. Scent of a Woman, with Pacino as an insult throwing decorated military vet who takes a very boyish Chris O'Donnell out of a weekend excursion where the two learn more about each other and life than expected. Quite touching, in an east coast prep-school kind of way. The young Philip Seymore Hoffman as a fat, weasely, dick-head was probably the typecasting role that got him his start. I think Pacino got an Oscar for this.

The other movie DID in fact have half naked chicks in it, but when the shot panned down....taaa daaaaa, she was a dude! That's right! I finally got to check off The Crying Game from my list of movies everyone saw but me. I had no idea it was set in Glory Olde England with the backdrop of IRA hostilities! What a gas, and Forrest Whittaker as the bumbling cricket champ who just wants to see his special gal one more time...well that was just phenomenal! It made me miss old San Fransisco.

Anyway. I'm back to feeling normal now and so will need to dive into work big time for the next couple weeks. Gotta get the shop and garage cleaned up real nice before we leave, and bag a bunch of things to protect them from what sounds like a very wet winter. Until then, I added a list of some of the blogs I have been following this summer and posted the list just to your upper right. Some of them are authored by people I know, and some of them I simply have not met YET, but I will. Check these links out!! There are some bad ass folks doing bad ass things in the world, and they would love a virtual high five.

Until then....feel better


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