Its kinda like an art walk, or a first fridays, the kind of dedicated evening when downtown businesses extend their showrooms into the street, offer free tasty treats, and stay open late. Locals get to wander with streets closed to car traffic, and browse booths, see local art, hear local music, and in Italy where food in king, sit and have a big dinner at outdoor tables.
Initially we heard rumors that a small bike shop sets up a box jump on tuesday nights and that was our destination when we set out from the Farm. A little distracted by the challenge to set a large hay bail in motion lumber jack style...

...we made it to town just as the sun was setting.

We found the bike jumps but with a cumulative experience of about 13 years of extreme sports challenges between the three of us, and a decidedly disappointing lack of trick creativity among the participants, we decided to roam around the street fest as opposed to watching three hours of kids doing the same foot plant 360s.

We of course also needed a tasty beverage and found a cool little bar to post up, drag a table and chairs outside and people watch.

We eventually wandered to the record store, Casa Del Disco, to see my homies there and were warmly welcomed with smiles, dj'ed soul tunes courtesy of DJ Livia, and a free glass of sangria. Good Times.

Its been so crucial to get away from the Farm at least once or twice a week this summer and last nite was perfect timing, and the bike ride there and back was much needed too. I made it home at about 1 in the morning with the Sunkels not far behind me apparently in the midst of a waterbottle fight. good times.

Tomorrow (thursday) we are headed by train to the small northern town of Codroipo, near Udine. Its NORTH, which hopefully will mean slightly cooler temperatures. We are staying with a friend of Michelle's, hiking, camping in the woods, and hitting the beach. Should be an awesome little vacation. Stay tuned for pictures and stories.
1 comment:
...I'm waiting your story Scotty!!!
It was a pleasure having you in my land!!!
Keep in touch!
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