To all the Mamas, and the Baby Mamas, and the baby's Mama's Mama...
In celebration of my own Mum and for moms everywhere I set out on a little mission today. Here is the pictures to tell the tale...
set up the bike...
local garden store
its even bigger!
load up...
And I can't tell you how amazing this felt, to ride home, on bike, pulling a trailer with a rose bush in the back is something that had me teary eyed almost the whole way. I was overcome with a sense of happiness to be on this mission, sadness for missing my Mom, but absolute pride knowing she is with me and I am living the life I have always wanted to live; doing good by bike...
Found a good half-day-sun spot near the evil cottonwoods, nestled in with some wild lavender, dug a big hole, a sifted the dirt cause there is alot of debris in it around here, added some compost from the back yard and almost threw up at the smell of it, seriously I can still smell it, something that rancid can only make plants happy...and indeed it did!
Built a cool lattice out of bamboo poles and cut up inner tubes from bike tires, and unwrapped the ties to reveal quite the little rose bush. Followed the vines where they wanted to go and found THIS little guy already opening up.
Seriously, all the buds were shut tight in the nursery, that's how I was told to select a healthy plant. The fact that its opening up already makes me feel like this is one of the best days spent here at the Farm.
I also want to say thanks to all the Mom's I still have with me and to thank you for the nurturing qualities that make you awesome Moms!
Tammy - for showing me love and family when I needed it most! Singing Lady GaGa songs in the car, fake family fights at Sea World, and who could forget opening my eyes to the joy of 7 hours of waterpolo!
Carrie M - a new to-be Momma, who is practicing by baby sitting my only worldly possession in SD, who came through for me in a big way when I needed it cause she cares. Shes gonna be a great fun Mom.
Cathy Darby - cause she is funnier than you and I put together and cares enough to give you 20 pounds of shop rags for Christmas cause you couldn't find one last June, and who loves a good Bloody for thanksgiving, and who got me so many red blinky lights for my bikes I will never have to replace a battery in one!
Googlietta The (other) Douche Manycarts - who is the hardest workin' Mamma I can think of, business owner, coffee slinger, Mom of two cute twins, and who still finds time to be funny as all hell, throw people out of her cafe for touching a vintage record on the wall, makes a pair of short shorts look real good, and get stupid tattoos.
Namgyal Newton - who opened her home and heart to having a very lost Scotty there for a few (too many) weeks last fall, and who is courageous and smart enough to either ignore or see through Taint-Boys facade and make him an awesome caring dad, she's got two boys and handles it with aplomb.
Miss you all
Love you all.
Scotty how you sent the day in memory of your mom makes me smile, I too spent sometime reflecting in the garden clearing away the poppies that were begining to cover up my Rosemary. My Rosemary that I had for several years that never bloomed until your arrival this past fall. Last night I sang with my friends band (in public for the first time covered For No One) and hoped a little bit of Aunt Rose's voice would gracefully come through me. I love you so much and I am so happy you feel her with you
Thank you Scott!
The kids got me some nice wine glasses sooo get ready for some wine and great late night stories,laugh a and I'm sure there will be tears!
Thanks again for being an amazing friend and my awesome flowers..: )
Love and miss you!
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