So its the day after the day after christmas here in It-Lee and Im still rolling around in the post traumatic binge eating coma. Seriously! Between waking up at 7 yesterday hungry enough to make an american breakfast, then doing not much besides a movie, a short card game and an even shorter bet pay off, dancing around in pj's all day and ending it with a one hour "80 crazy cat moments" compilation on YouTube before I guilted myself into town to see some friends, yesterday was the perfect refreshing end to the first half of the winter. Today I woke up feeling like posting a wrap up in photos on the blog, recapping the past few months and sharing the excitement for the next few months ahead with pictures. Problem was, when I scanned through the couple hundred images or so all I could find was pictures of me and food! Much worse, Im usually wearing the same friggen outfit so it appears that I have been doing NOTHING but moping around the house in coffee stained sweatpants making and eating delicious food from scratch.
ok, so it hasnt ALL been italian cuisine |
buttered walnut cookie molds |
tis the season for rabbit... unless you are a rabbit I guess |
chocolate salami...mmmmm |
the one on the left is not for me...its for friend... |
my friends kid belly up to the sweets table spoon in hand with a heavenly glaze on his eyes |
big bucket of vin brulee |
another pizza nite! |
had to do a little curry |
double chocolate gut bomb roll cake...ok I didnt make it, but I ate it! |
Not true not true I swear - and the scale can vouch for me. Like a supreme idiot, I got on it yesterday and was surprised to see less than the end of summer! Something about the food here man...but I digress.... There have been bike rides in the fog and cold winter wet air, there have been concerts with friends, and record release parties, there have been a ton of trips digging through junk shops trying to finish some christmas presents, and there has been alot of painting in the garage, hours of needed creative work, paint smeared hands, a camp stove and a coffee pot, a piss bottle and some punkrock tunes. And of course, a week or so ago, SNOW!

This closing of the year has been the rebound I needed, and was tired of waiting for. Life is rarely a round hole and a round peg. We have those experiences but we rarely hang up on the times where things wen t according to plan. It is far more common to have to roll up your sleeves and start chewing and tugging, and sawing, and filing, and rasping your way through it till you can force that friggen square peg to fit someplace it does not on the surface appear to fit. What is it I always say..."Spit on it - it will go in!"
Its been a rough go this winter and Im super glad to have the holidays behind me. Not to mention the Mayan Prophecies - anyone want to buy some car batteries... bottled water... how about a bow and arrow... gently used loin cloth... no? fine. Today feels like the second half, or maybe the
7th inning stretch (which is a baseball reference for you It-Lee'ans) or maybe just that stomach stretching moment between the third pasta and the actual main meat course, before the cheese plate and deserts.... uuuuggh! back to food... Either way Im SUPER excited to find out what is next. On the way home from a dinner the other night, stoned out of my gourd actually, I had myself a good laugh at a minimal thought that came to me in the main plaza after a quick look around. I have NO IDEA what to expect in 2013! As terrifying as that might sound to some, and indeed to the Scotito of a couple years ago it would be a horrifying thought followed by lists and calculations and solid plans. But to me now, in december 2012, in a place so far from anywhere I ever thought I would be, in ITALY, with good friends and another dinner, with a borrowed family for the holidays, with a small tradition of my own, and most importantly on a BIKE, the thought had me almost in tears with laughter. No matter what crazy scheme I dream up, I cannot possibly imagine what 2013 will bring me, where it will find me, what I will be doing for that little bit of money that keeps me free to travel, and the lives I will intersect with by doing so...and thats such a liberating thought. Perhaps the freedom I have been seeking in this experience, to pay off my debts and to take life at a slower pace, to be free to go and do whatever I want to do was never actually linked to the plan I made back in early 2010. I still have debt to deal with, and I still have a couple coins in my pocket, and I still have all my wonderfully supportive friends all over the world. And I have had those things all along. I have been free this whole time. A realization that had my mind swimming as I drifted off to sleep that night.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I know there are new babies in the picture, and a few in the oven as we say, there are growing families and all the joy and worry that brings. There are shrinking worlds as we travel a little and there are experiences expanded by the simple day to day routine we all have. I hope this message finds you all at the end of a great year, a year in which a quick look over your shoulder finds you dizzy with promises that you made to you. I hope you are all safe and warm and surrounded by those you love. I have a wild feeling about 2013...could be the christmas rabbit rolling around in my guts still... but Im not usually wrong about these things.
Thanks for the love and support through this experience - I could not have done it without you, and whatever I do next, you will be there.
This is the last Blog post for Notes From the Pegboard... but dont worry... there will be another blog, with an even more appropos name, and more pictures, and less bitching, a few swear words for the kids, and a lot of love. Thanks for coming with me these three years. lets do it again.
Signing Out,
1 comment:
I am so happy for you and will always be your biggest fan....
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