Wednesday, September 12, 2012


("adult reading")

Everyone around here is pretty amped up these days.  And they SHOULD be!  with over 11 departures in a week we are setting new records.  Thing is it basically comes down to "do we have the bikes?" and "can those two idiot drunken mexicans get them done in time, without going crazy and taking us all down in a blaze of fitful anger...?"

or something like that...

What's funny is that in the shop, despite spending 2 days on prepping a tandem (those things are a bitch!) and having an ungodly amount of bikes to do in the next few days, negotiating a slew of last minute changes and alterations, we are still laughing, having a good time, staying positive and doing what it is we were hired to do.  I mean I'm sure the bosses are still counting the bottles in the recycling bin every morning, and there is no shortage of off the cuff bitchy commentary from stressed out employees, (I was shot the "Stink-Eye" today just for laughing) but the bike shop is full of off colour jokes poppy music, and stories about this and that, per the usual.  Its fun like that right now.

although I have noticed a change in the regularity of my periods...

 For me personally, this week is NO DIFFERENT than most of the other weeks this summer.  Up early to wash a shit ton of bikes, watch the number slowly creep to zero by the end of a long day and do it all over again the next day.  Its kind of how I have been working all summer, and its nice to finally have someone else freaking out about how the numbers don't seem to add up and the bikes are double assigned to tours, and there isn't enough time to take out the trash and unload the dishwasher or fold laundry...which reminds me - my laundry is in a bucket molding as I type.

Not my chair - not my problem.  For reals.   No change in my Human Performance Curve essentially.

This Friday marks the end of the century here at ExPlus!  We will have a total of 5 tours or rentals coming back starting about mid-day, for a total of about 30 bikes, ALL OF WHICH are being loaded on vans to leave again by mid-day on Saturday.  30 bikes in less than 24 hours working through the darkness.  Might be the final exam for the season, and I know I will get through it with a smile on my face, laughter in my lungs, a cold bottle of beer stashed under my bench, and the feeling that we made it happen in the 11th hour.  Haven't forgotten a bike yet.

Just don't expect me to be at work on Monday.  That's basically what I'm sating here peeps...

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