at the train station on Friday and flew back. It was a quick trip with some good sights, familiar roads and scenery, and crazy Mistral Winds. Gusts of up to 90K/hr, keeping two hands on the wheel and the trees permanently bent to one side.

Day one The Farm to L'Isle Sur La Sorgue, a cool water-way town that I was in back in 2010.
Powered by shitty espresso shots with chocolate inside...and a redbull! I slept like shit!
Kebab with hamburger...disgusting and perfect!
Check out the canals that move the water through the ancient city streets. The town is literally an island of canals and waterways.
Day two drive into Bordeaux and a big walk along the promenade waterfront, a pastis cause you have to and a late night walk across the city, getting lost, back to the hotel after hours and had to scale the gate to get in. I think my switch from city-kid to small town/country kid is complete.
All in all not quite as fun as back in 2010 when Sara Igor and Carie and I all did the same drive back, but a good relaxing part of the job that reminds me how lucky I am. At one point I had to laugh with the idea that if you had told me three years ago I would be driving across Italy and France to deliver bikes for a tour I would have scoffed, laughed and been in utter disbelief.
But secretly I would have said to myself..."That would be pretty cool."