Friday arrived at 3, gathered up all my boxes much to the amusement of the airline guys, 2 bike boxes, a wheel box, a roller pig of clothes, and 2 carry ons! ooof. Felt hungry the whole way but waited for a special German treat with my lay over in Frankfurt...

LaUna scooped me up and we chatted at random the whole way, grabbed a piadina and got back to the Farm feeling ready to crash.
Then the call came to get my shit together and come out to a metal show. Which of course I said yes to. Livia, Ale, and SpaghettiMeatballs, MetalHead (of course) and a new dude who rides trials and downhill had a late night BLAST! No photos of course, I'm surprised I had pants on as exhausted I was.
Saturday I readied the crew. These are the tools for a successful summer ladies and gentlemen...

Loni, as you know, will be accompanying me on road rides and tours, possibly some light duty "mixed condition adventure riding" as I like to call it. New pedals and mountain drop bars makes her a little more aggressive than before. yummm.

The Mountain Bike, whose name will reveal itself to me on a ride, is ready to go with new cranks and finally fit to my liking. No more excusing myself from 8 hour dolomite epics and techy singletrack. She will hurt me no doubt, but it will be for my own good I'm sure.

Introducing "Saint Mary." Yeah every fleet of sinners needs a saint and since I have the habit of naming my bikes after women of questionable sexual virtue I thought I would go on a limb with this one. And she has Mary Bars, and she ended up being a Franken-Bike of parts from all the other bikes I have loved in the last 5 years, and since Frankenstein was originally written by Mary Shelly I thought the name was apropos. 9 speeds, flat pedals, a kickstand, and quite the healthy rack make this the perfect city-bike grocery getter in a time of 4 dollar gas hikes! Plus its just FUN! You should get one too.

Sunday was the big welcome home, Green is the New Orange Party here at the Farm and I cooked all morning. I had shopped saturday but had to run a quick errand to get more of my favorite Sqwakerelli cheese and took the opportunity to ride...

still a little snow here and there...

So good to be back in the big kitchen, but even better to have it filled with friends.

DJ Intern came prepared and rocked us out.

Not a late night but a good day visiting and goofing, drinking and eating, showcasing a little kitchen skill for the Itals... as well as teaching them how to dress AGAIN! They are getting better...slowly.

Not that I want to paint a picture of not missing the life I live back in So-Cal, with more friends, more bikes, and more sunshine, but like I said a couple posts ago - these 2 different places and different groups of amazing people are BOTH my lives, and its good to have a foot in each sometimes.
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