and vowed to get our pictures taken holding the Leaning Tower of Pisa up but after a few shots of these guys...


we settled for this.

There was a rainbow message from El Senor warning of polychromatic lazers from his holy fingers destroying the earth with a smile...creepy...

there was an archaeological discovery in the dry riverbed under the bridge leading into town...

There was Intern's last supper in which he was repeatedly yelled at to "shut the fuck up and get us another beer!!"...Gonna miss you Intern whatever your name was...

There was Rad-getting on dirt oriented bicycles...

There was a mini tour with some Germans in a town we vowed to spend more time in next year...

There was a going away dinner for Francesca Fabri, aka Franny 2-Hands, aka Dick Volpaccino, aka Franny Blacksmiths...we will miss her and all her aliases...

There was a delivery from our Number One Tour Leader Friend Guy ENRICO Dal MONTE! Who once again retains his status of number one tour leader rock and roll usa by bringing The Mechanics a big bag of big beers. Grazzie Mille dude!

and finally there was some RAD-getting aboard bicycles of all shapes and sizes for the end of the wine season, celebrating the harvest by consuming large quantities of fresh (young) wines in the region, shuttling around by bikes, me of course in costume. A costume so cool that it garnered the attention at the makeshift awards ceremony, in which one announcer wanted to give me a prize for my costume, and the other decided it was best to simply award the prize to my Mustache. I can now say My Mustache is Award-Winning.

a rare shot here by the man who informed of this bike gathering, Santo Claudio not only on a mountain bike but on FLAT ground...

The one and only John Paul of BRAY ladies and gentlemen...

Sunday is a waste....finally getting a little hair of the dog around 3pm...loving it here, and anxious for December.
More pictures on Facebook...
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