past cool little villages

One of which is the birthplace and final burial place of one Benito Mussolini

where they still sell Nazi and Fascist memorabilia from WWII, strange...

Continued up into the hills amidst clearing skies, birds singing, and roadside flowers brushing against my legs as I pedaled up and up and up...

To my destination! The Premicuore Swimming Hole! Amazingly clear water, eventually enough sunshine to get a light burn on the shoulders, and water cool enough to ice my legs, but not too cool to NOT jump off the rocks at least once.

Walked downstream and found this cool spot to stretch and chill on the flat rocks.

and check out some bugs and tadpoles...saw a great Grey Heron too but he took off before I could get the camera out. belissimo!

I bid the spot a farewell and headed down the hill. About half way down the mountain the sky turned grey, the wind turned cold and shook the spring blossoms from the trees, there was rain in the air and it hit fast and hard!

I took refuge in a bus stop and waited it out...at least there was art, some kids colouring taped inside the bus stop...

I fell asleep for about a half hour and woke to a new white car full of nuns in their new white habits checking on me, I waved them hello and began the ride back to town. check out the two pictures below, on the way up the water was crystal clear, on the way down rain water muddy!

Made it to town, stopped in the Tattoo parlour and the Asian grocery store again, came home to make some pad thai and upload some photos.

Total, 108.52 KM...tomorrow the beach!
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