2240 METERS high, maybe more...
Here in vague order (thanks to blogger taking FOR ever!) are the photos from the weekend delivery into the Dolomites. Two parties had ended their tours here in the valley called
Val Di Fassa, we scooped up the bikes, stayed at a cool B-n-B, and did a stunningly beautiful 90km the next day down valley. Locals said it was the first day of sunshine in almost 3 weeks. Blessed with perfect temperatures, blue skies, and amazing views, not to mention a local festival right around lunch time, the first day of the ski trams running so it was FREE, and a roadside sale of local pastries not more than 2km from a tough finish I could not have planned a better day. No wonder Dolomite rhymes with DY-NO-MITE!
The day started with a sunflower drive...

see the tram lines running into the clouds?

did the work and headed to our hotel and some local cuisine...which included the novelty drink Il Bombardino...

walking home in the last of the rain with improvised umbrella...

and breaking the hair dryer when we got back to the room...

which had the classic Italian room for two...note the phone for scale.
Next morning... clear skies!

We interrupted our ride to check out a tram ride...one used for skiing in the winter, we bet on the price and agreed if it was 8 euro or less we would go up...turned out, it was the first day of operation for the season and was FREE!

Longest ski lift I ever rode!

possibly the scariest lift Silvia has ever ridden.
check out the panorama here...
Back down the hill we headed towards an unbelievably perfect lunch...

for the record that's a whole chicken with chunks of panceta hiding inside seasoned with herbs, 500 grams of polenta, fries and artesionale beers

we opted to ride down to the next village, have a coffee in a strangely nautical themed mountain town...

with music as a central theme...then start the return trip back to the van. We still had a 6 hour drive back to the Farm and were gonna be sore.

Of course we HAD to stop for Gelato...its ITALY man!

and just before cresting the last hill, our tired legs found a what was being billed as a "Festa Del Dolci Locali" and added up to a few more post ride treats...

More guts and another amazing pass before the monotony of the Italian freeway system. At least with a native speaker we can stop for coffee and ask for directions. I cant wait to stop and be fluent with the locals...Listening to Silvia and hearing her joke was a gift for a big delivery drive.

Back at the Farm at 2am with a head full of waking dreams and sights to describe most would not believe, and the conviction of a man whose 4 year plan has blossomed into a 10 year idea...more on that later.