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What we do the rest of the time, with older bikes already assembled is give them a good thorough cleaning and safety check, make sure they shift, the wheels are straight, tires safe, brakes work, and are looking soooooo gooood. Her's a time lapse of that process with a Big Blue the Tandem.
Click here for tandem love... watch the clipboard in the upper left corner, that's how breezy its been lately!
And when I am not kicking ass in the bike shop, I have to do all the stuff a regular man has to do, which today included going to the grocery store. But I go by BIKE! Tammy, this one is for you and that big ole van of yours. It can be done, and its more fun than looking for parking - EVERY TIME!

Even Frecha was amazed...

I'm off for the rest of the week to help with a tour and to finish getting bikes ready for the next big push of the summer soon.
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