the FIRST ANNUAL Photo Caption Contest a la Notes From the PegBoard!
This photo comes to us from a customer from the bike tour company who visited my old stomping grounds of San Francisco during this year's celebration of the World Naked Bike Ride. This is an annual event held in major cities all over the world. Dont get too excited just yet, despite the allure it is usually frequented by old dudes and "healthier" folk. Not a bunch of hot college co-eds as you might hope. On the upside though, apparently this year the event was open to families. Ahhh Beautifully TOLERANT San Francisco, boy do I miss it sometimes.
OK! Anyone can play along so here's how it works...
a) - take a good close look at the picture below, study it well...there are hidden details.
b) - stop laughing, and change your shorts.
c) - think of a clever caption.
d) - type your caption as a comment at the bottom of the post.
e) - get your body paints out and mark your calendars for next year!
Prizes will be awarded for the following categories; most lewd, most repulsive, most funniest, most dumb, and the first one in, as well as a bronze trophy for last place. Good luck! Enjoy.

Well Doc, it all started when I was about three years old...ever since then, I haven't been able to eat the yellow ones.
Where's waldo needs a helmet for the other head
no, he's not a wigger. no, he's not a twinkie. wait, a twinkie is yellow on the outside and white on the inside... but wait, no, that's not it. hmmmm. i'm probably gonna grow up to be a man hating lesbian.
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