Written from the stoop of the Todd Mercantile while Neil Young's Harvest Moon slowly aches another heart towards spring...
I wept today.
Not for sadness, but for spring,
For the wave from a stranger passing by on a slow Sunday drive,
For the warmth of the sun in the crisp mountain air,
For a vain little bird skipping from parked car to parked car trying to climb into the side mirror of his own reflection,
For the twinkle of folk music from the grainy outdoor speakers at the Todd Mercantile,
For a warm cup of fresh coffee cradled in the sun half way through another great bike ride,
For the big fat bumble bee I share this stoop with, drying his wings and pumping his antennae ready for the work of spring.
I wept for the peace I feel here in the mountains of Western North Carolina,
For the friends I have made, and
For the Love I feel,
For the city-like apartment I call my home alone,
And for these rides of such ease to places forgotten by the hustle of the modern day.
I wept for the places I have seen, for the springs I have felt deep in my thawing soul of winter rest.
I wept for the loss, but much much more for the gains, for they have been too numerous to count!
I smile for what is to come, unknowable as it is,
And as surely as its shape is a Smile,
And its colour can only be Yellow,
I know in a part of me that has lived before that it will be Amazing, Happy, and full of Love.