Friday night was my friend Alessandro's 33 Birthday and the dude tore it up! Dinner at Angusto and drinks at the ClanDestino next door. He was pretty drunk, the first one to try to order another round after a bar fight broke out, leaving one muscle-bound guido dripping blood from a headwound outside while the paramedics tried to weave their way through a crowd of stunned, overdressed chicks. I woke Saturday morning feeling a little headachey and needing to clear my head. I have been pretty nervous and tense lately, partly due to over-medicating allergies, a new espresso machine that kicks way too much ass, and the transition back into this life while missing what I left behind and wondering if I'm making the right choice. My mind and heart have been missing San Diego lately and its been making it hard to be present in Italy. Thankfully I woke to a message reminding me that Easter weekend is Resurrection Weekend on 91X in SD, and that I can stream all the killer flashback alternative tunes via the intraweb. Caga Googoo, Talking Heads, Depeche Mode, Alphaville, Brian Setzer, Roxie Music, Crowded House, Pet Shop Boys...all the tunes I loved so much and that remind me of all the positive memories of SD from then and now helped me get into a better space about what that place means to me.
But I still needed a ride, and I needed to spend the better part of the day loving this life, not thinking about the one that might be, or the one that could have been. I needed to exercise some demons too, and I needed to drink some water and sweat it out!

Half way up through the Alpines I realized that I was spinning a HUGE gear, and was clipping along at about 25+ the whole way. Feeling strong I decided to go as far as I could without shifting. A great way to purge the over-thinking mind. Made my way up a couple passes, then kicked it down a notch into a sensible gear to climb some steep shit.

The trees, which are probably the culprit of my seasonal allergy suffering, were absolutely beautiful! Flowers smelling as sweet as any candy store the whole way! Spring colours in full bloom, and not much for traffic off the main highway. As much as I have been missing the culture and roads of home, its hard to beat a ride around here, with steep long climbs, amazing views, and hardly another car the whole way. I could have been in Northern California, and the only thing I was missing was traffic!

An almost 90K day with the peace and calming I needed, and with a crazy enough pace to be sore on Sunday Morning. Got a big Easter dinner with friends, an easy ride to get there and back, and tomorrow another day in the hills.
Have a good weekend you all, I miss you very much, and if you see the Professor riding around in a robe like Jesus, give him a high five for me and buy the man a sandwich.